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The Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Join the Millions Who Have Become Non-Smokers Using Allen Carr’s Easyway Method
Allen Carr
16,230 ratings
1,693 reviews
New edition of the revolutionary bestseller with 4 million copies in print. Allen Carr’s innovative Easyway method – which he discovered after his own 100-a-day habit nearly drove him to despair – has helped millions of people quit smoking without feeling anxious and lost. That’s because he helps smokers discover the psychological reasons for their addiction, explains in detail how to cope with withdrawal symptoms, shows them how to avoid situations where temptation may become too strong, and helps them stay smoke-free. Carr discusses addiction to smoking, the societal “brainwashing” that encourages smoking, the false belief that smoking relieves stress, the role of boredom in undermining quit efforts, and the main causes of failure. With this proven plan, smokers will throw away their packs for good.
Self Help
Personal Development
How To
224 pages, Hardcover
First published January 1, 1985
Original title
The Easy Way to Stop Smoking
This edition
224 pages, Hardcover
September 23, 2004 by Union Square & Co.
9781402718618 (ISBN10: 1402718616)
3,407 people are currently reading
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About the author
Allen Carr
367 books  · 249 followers
Allen Carr was an author of books about quitting smoking and other psychological dependencies including alcohol addiction. He quit smoking after 33 years as a hundred-a-day chain smoker.
Community Reviews
16,230 ratings
1,693 reviews
5 stars
9,263 (57%)
4 stars
3,817 (23%)
3 stars
1,931 (11%)
2 stars
741 (4%)
1 stars
479 (2%)
September 21, 2013
This is a very bad book that uses very obvious psychological techniques to convince you to quit smoking. However, it totally worked for me so it gets 5 stars.
November 28, 2010
Janis Ian

Didn’t think this would work. I started smoking at 13. Didn’t think this would work. A friend told me it was amazing. Still didn’t think it would work. Bought a used copy in 2005 (out of print, can you believe it?!) but never read it. Finally sat down to read it 2 years later. Read it and didn’t think it would work. Followed the instructions.
Painless quit. No craziness, no weight gain. Never regretted, never missed. Believe me, I’ve tried everything before and it didn’t work. Unbelievable.
I just bought 10 copies for friends. Still don’t miss smoking. Didn’t make me quit. Made me a non-smoker.

August 15, 2015

This book has a really good 5 star review. I started smoking at the age of 19 and smoked a pack a day, then I decided to quit and started reading this book. This is truly the best way to quit smoking – I threw away my cigarettes after reading this book and never smoked again. I didn’t suffer from withdrawal pains, nor did I have craving pains… Before reading this book, I had tried to quit smoking many times, either using patches, gum, or slamming, but every time I tried, I felt so miserable that I always went back to smoking. Now, not only do I not smoke, but I am very happy to be a non-smoker and I never want to smoke again, even when I am surrounded by other smokers! I recommend this book to all smokers who say they want to quit… Unfortunately, many of my smoking friends are too scared to quit. Once they decide they really want to quit, this book will help them do it. If you are a smoker and want to quit, I bet you have tried all the gimmicks and they don’t work, right? They didn’t work for me! This book is not a gimmick – it works!!! At the time of writing this, I have been smoke-free for almost 2 years (I finished reading The Easy Way to Quit Smoking on May 11, 2007 and have not smoked a cigarette since) and it feels great. I cannot say enough good things about this book.

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